KT17 & KT19 Electronic Ignition Conversion Kit Installation Instructions
Electronic Ignition Conversion Kit below specifically made for KT17 first
design and KT19 first design engines includes: New PerTronix Ignitor hall
effect module/sensor fastened on adjustable/slotted aluminum mounting plate,
two 10-24 UNC screws w/flat washers and lock washers, two aluminum spacers,
target screw w/magnet and rubber cushioning washer, two new Autolite 26 or
Champion 25 (RV17YC) spark plugs, and points pushrod hole block-off plate
(use with silicone sealant). Use this ignition system with the OEM
off-ignition-start key switch and dual wire ignition coil.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS for KT17 first design and KT19 first design
engines. This option can also be used on the KT17 Series II and KT19 Series
II engines, and perhaps Magnum engines with the KT-series flywheel
installed. Video of this ignition system installed on a running engine
coming soon.

Use a
Sharpie metallic silver permanent marker to locate and
install the
trigger screw w/magnet
and rubber cushioning washer on the flat area on the flywheel above the
T mark as shown in the picture to the right. This will place the ignition
timing in alignment with the center of the PerTronix Ignitor module/sensor
when the S mark on the flywheel is in exact alignment with
the roll pin on the cylinder (which is positioned at 23º BTDC). The
screw head is magnetized to trigger the spark. There is no need to remove
the flywheel to drill and tap the threads. The screw hole must be professionally
drilled and tapped
to accept the supplied 6-32 UNC trigger screw with a [preferably]
TAPER hand tap.
Click here to learn
how to professionally cut new threads. To prevent from breaking off
drill bit or tap, secure the flywheel so it does not rotate one way or the
other while drilling hole and/or cutting threads! NOTE: The rubber
washer prevents the brittle rare earth/neodymium magnet from breaking when
the screw is tightened. IMPORTANT: Secure the screw in the flywheel with
high strength liquid threadlocker
(Red Loctite, Permatex or equivalent) and tighten
it just until the rubber washer begin to bulge. The PerTronix Ignitor hall
effect module/sensor is activated by the South pole of the magnet, so do
not remove the magnet from the screw. FYI - Store a container of liquid
threadlocker or Super Glue upright and not laying flat. The capped tip will
not dry out and clog when stored upright.
Being there are no two bosses
on the #1 cylinder (right side of engine when facing the flywheel) of the
KT17 first design and KT19 first design engines, use the side of the valve
spring compartment casting on the #1 cylinder facing the flywheel to mount
the two supplied posts/supports for the supplied mounting plate with the
ignition module/sensor. See the
[mock up]picture to the right.->
On the #1 cylinder, remove the crankcase breather assembly and plug the crankcase
breather vent hole leading into the crankcase. This will prevent drill
cuttings from entering into the crankcase, which could cause severe engine
wear overtime.
On the flywheel side of the valve spring compartment, locate in the general
area where to drill and tap two 10-24 UNC screw holes with a [preferably]
TAPER hand tap for
fastening of the two supports with the mounting plate and ignition module/sensor.
There may be no need to remove the flywheel to do this.
Click here to learn
how to professionally cut new threads. See the
[mock up] picture to the right.->
Thoroughly clear out the metal cuttings from inside the valve spring compartment
with 150± PSI compressed air. Failure to
do this could cause excessive wear to the internal engine
parts! Be sure to use eye protection! Then be sure
to remove the plug from the crankcase vent hole.
After fastening the two posts/supports with the mounting plate and ignition
module/sensor to the side of the valve spring compartment, set the clearance
between the module/sensor and trigger screw w/magnet and rubber cushioning
washer at .010"-.050" with a paper, plastic or brass feeler gauge, and securely
tighten the two supplied 3/16" screws with lock washers to the valve spring
Slowly rotate the flywheel back and forth by hand to check that the screw
doesn't make contact with module/sensor. If it makes contact, the module
could get damaged! On rare occasions, being the casting
of the valve spring compartment may be a different width, the mounting plate
with the module/sensor may make contact with the side of the ring gear on
the flywheel. If this happens, a couple of thin washers (shims) will be need
to be installed under the two posts/supports to allow for sufficient clearance.
Simple two wire connections: Connect the
RED wire on the module to the positive
[+] terminal on the ignition coil (which connects to the ignition switch
and positive (+) battery post), and connect the BLACK wire to the
negative () terminal on the coil. There are no other wire(s) that connect
to the negative () terminal on the coil. The module/sensor is grounded
through the engine to the negative () battery post.
The module/sensor will burn up if the ignition switch is left on for more
than a few minutes with the engine not running. To prevent this from possibly
happening and/or for security reasons, use an OFF-ON key switch and/or a
master disconnect switch with a removable
key instead of just a toggle/flip switch to power the ignition
Remove the points, pushrod (and condenser) and install the block-off plate
to cover the points pushrod hole. Apply RTV silicone sealant to prevent oil
leak and use the OEM ignition points mounting screws to secure the block-off
plate in place.
A-1 Miller's Custom Made Flywheel-Trigger Electronic Ignition Kit for
Kohler engine models KT17 (first design), KT17 Series II, KT19 (first design)
and KT19 Series II. $185.00 each, plus shipping & handling.
For customer service assistance, and FREE honest and accurate technical
support, please contact: A-1 Miller's Performance Enterprises | 12091 N.
Route B | Hallsville, MO (Missouri) 65255 USA | Phone: 1-573-881-7229
(cell/text). Call any day, Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm, Central time zone.
If no answer, please try again later. E-mail: pullingtractor@aol.com.